Accessibility at IMSM

A hand touching a garmentille board


We try to make our new site as usable as possible whilst also following standards and guidelines laid out by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in their Web Accessibility Initiative. This means that, wherever possible, all users enjoy the same quality of service.

Standards compliance

Most pages will comply with all priority 1 and 2 guidelines of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Visual design

The site will use cascading style sheets for visual layout, meaning greater usability for assistive technology.

The site will use only relative font sizes compatible with visual browsers’ user-specified “text size” option.

If your browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets at all, the content of each page will “degrade gracefully” so that it is still readable.


Links have title attributes that describe the link in greater detail unless the text of the link already fully describes the target. If you are using a mouse or other pointing device, these can be viewed by hovering over the link text.

Contact Us

For a free Quotation or On-Site presentation by an ISO Specialist, contact us today!

IMSM Canada Ltd
The Exchange Tower, PO Box 427
130 King Street West Suite 1900
Toronto, M5X 1E3

Tel: +1 416 777 6700

Contact Us

For a free Quotation or On-Site presentation by an ISO Specialist, contact us today!

IMSM Canada Ltd
The Exchange Tower, PO Box 427
130 King Street West Suite 1900
Toronto, M5X 1E3

Tel: +1 416 777 6700