OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 Migration Required!
June 3rd, 2019 ByAre you certified to OHSAS 18001?
The deadline to migrate your OHSAS management system to ISO 45001 is September 2021. As the time gets closer, we would suggest you check when your certificate review date is and book a pre-migration audit to comply with the required migration date.
What is ISO 45001?
ISO 45001 can be best summarised as a whole-company, proactive approach to incorporating a safety culture. It is a framework that can take your organisation to the next level in health and safety. It is the internationally recognised Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Standard, developed from BS OHSAS 18001:2007 to ensure Health and Safety Management Systems are harmonised worldwide.
ISO 45001 provides organisations with an integrated approach to organisational management, ensuring international best practices are being adhered to.
Why should you migrate to ISO 45001?
Migrating to ISO 45001 will give your company ongoing continuity when it comes to OHSAS. ISO 45001 provides organisations with an integrated approach to best practices when it comes to Occupational Health and Safety
Benefits of ISO 45001
The ISO 45001 standard will ensure your organisation has a management system in place to reduce health and safety risks within the workplace – protecting workers from potential harm and increasing profitability at the same time. Other benefits of ISO 45001:
- Reduced overall costs of incident – this means your employees will be working in a safer environment.
- Reduced risk in downtime and the cost of disruption to operations – which means your operation effectiveness will be increased due to a lower number of hours lost due to accidents.
- Reduced cost of insurance premiums – because you will have a structured approach to OHSAS, which is focused on your organisations management risks throughout its operations there will be less accidents or near misses and therefore insurance premiums are less likely to rise.
- Reduced absences and employee turnover rate – as a result of better risk management you will have fewer accidents and be a safer company to work for. This may also enable you to attract better staff.
- Improved ability to respond to legal and compliance requirements – this will be because, to manage a successful OHSAS programme you will need to be fully aware of all legislation and legal compliance issues as a standard practice.
- Recognition for achieving an international benchmark- as more and more companies move towards ISO 45001 it will become increasingly apparent that organisations with this standard will attract more, and better, business because they can be seen to have a full and structured OHSAS program.
How can IMSM help my business gain ISO certification?
We work alongside your existing health and safety professionals to work out the most effective way to implement ISO 45001 in your business. This may include presentations to your senior team, training and support on production of policies and manuals.
We also offer both in-house and regional training seminars for organisations who want to retain an internal audit team to manage ISO standards.

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For a free Quotation or Remote presentation by an ISO Specialist, contact us today!
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